About Me


I have always had an I can attitude; full of optimism, passion and determination to succeed. A strong work ethic learnt from my parents.
I was described as a strong willed, spirited child, who questioned everything.
This determination and curiosity continued throughout my life and has served me well.
I always championed the misunderstood and loved to help them to feel valued, happy and successful. I was fascinated by people that had succeeded against the odds and spent time considering what qualities they possessed.
I often get comments about my energy and positivity levels and, like all of us, these come down to a mixture of how I was brought up and the environment I live in.
I’m the middle child of a family of 5, sandwiched between the adored brother who was a sporting talent and a mentally disabled sister.
My father worked all hours, my mother worked in the evenings and in the day ran my father’s electrical business whilst they both, in every spare moment, tirelessly renovated, built and sold houses to enable us to have the best life possible.
This I can kind attitude of my parents and my sister’s disability became brilliant teachers and role models that gave me the drive to want to succeed in the world.
It started a mindset of "I could do anything" as I was born with a healthy body and mind.
From the age of 11, I was obsessed with horses and competed every weekend and self-taught myself to train wild horses and sold them on as family ponies. I achieved a top teaching degree and a sports degree to help me start my lifelong love of learning and the understanding of the importance of mind, body and soul began.
I realised early on, whilst I was still at school, that a lot of children were misunderstood. I made it my mission to become a great teacher and help the kids I taught succeed. This passion led me to become an assistant head in a difficult London school by the age of 30.
I was lucky with all the school holidays I travelled the world to help further my curiosity and learning. Throughout my teaching career, I relentlessly researched and studied how humans can achieve their best and continued studying the importance of nutrition and exercise.

My next move was to start training other teachers. At this point of my career I also decided I wanted to get married to the love of my life and start a family - and in typical Fleur fashion I put the same passion into starting a family and I had three children under the age of three!
At this time, we moved to the Middle East, I set up a music class and nursery to raise money for street kids in Cambodia and juggled bringing up three amazing kids. Two years on, we moved back to the UK and were faced with low finances, starting a new business and setting up a new home, moving three times and renovating.
Alongside this, we were plagued with illnesses in the family: a nut allergy, heart problems and finding out my eldest was losing her eyesight. To top it off, my daughter was having difficulty at school resulting in us moving her to a new school. She was then diagnosed with anxiety and was using OCD coping methods.
Two of my children in teen years struggled with mental health problems and were since diagnosed with Neurodiversity.
This further inspired my love of learning and helping others and I began to learn about the brain through my Neuroscience of Change training.

So why have I told you all this? Remember the comments made about me? Why is she always positive and happy? My life, like all of our lives, has had many challenges but it's how we deal with this challenges that determine our love, life, success and happiness.
Even through all the hardships there were amazing things happening.
As I reflect now, I can see that every challenge has helped me learn more. I can truly empathise with people that have felt challenged.
This is why I wanted to be a life coach. I have learnt so much from life and learning, I want to help others have the same happiness and I can attitude.
To perceive the world as full of opportunities and not the negativity we can all dwell on.
I would say life has been good - I would never say it’s been tough. I’m a firm believer that many times in life you have choices about how you address the challenges and the happy route is much easier.
I still feel blessed: I have my health, family and friends, my beautiful talented children, an amazing husband and a job I’m passionate about.
What I have learnt is everything that is a challenge is an opportunity to grow. It's not the hand we're dealt but how we deal with the hand we're dealt.
After all, life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we react to it.
And this is why I know, together, we can make your life amazing too.
The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.
So, let me share with you all that I have learnt and support you in creating the magical life you deserve.
Quotes I live by